Sunday, December 7, 2008

GMAT – Step 1 & 2 - Registration & Collecting Stuff

This post is for my friends who have started thinking about an MBA in US.
If you are targeting fall 09, then you must have taken your GMAT by now. If you are targeting fall 10, then it’s a good time to start thinking about GMAT.

Go to and take the date if you are serious about it. $250 is what makes you have thoughts like “Am I ready to take the test?” Take the date and you ll be ready in no time. Take the date now for Feb, March end or April first week so that you have good enough time for introspection and research about colleges after the GMAT.

3 months is a good enough time for preparing. I didn’t score the dream score of 770, just managed to score 7xx in 3 months. Someone can do it in 2 months and someone like me may not be able to do it in 6 months even. So it all depends on you.

So start collecting the stuff..
 GMAT 11th edition
 One more book you need - princeton/kaplan/etc ( I went for Kaplan and found it worth)
 Power prep tests (the very first thing you need to do is take these tests)
 Online tests for practice( I went for manhattan tests)
 Spidey’s notes
 Manhattan Sentence Correction (it’s a real good one)
 GMATprep tests (these you ll get from once you have registered for the test). Save them for the end. They are really precious.
 And lot more..

Let me know if you I can help you with anything.. I have lots of lots of..... stuff

Make a folder in one of the drives of your laptop.
Put the stuff there ..
And get going..

More on how to go about it.. later

Feb, March dates are easily available. Just checked it on I guess there is fight for dates from May onwards.

1 comment:

nancy john said...

Good post about GMAT it is very useful for students

questions on the GMAT you oaeliat